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Monday, September 5, 2022

7 Wonders of the World That Will Take Your Breath Away

Whether you’re seeing them in person or from the comfort of your computer, these seven amazing structures will capture your imagination, cause you to stop in your tracks, and leave you saying wow over and over again. They are wonders of the world that have withstood the test of time and will continue to amaze future generations as well.

7 Wonders of the World That Will Take Your Breath Away
7 Wonders of the World 

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The pyramids in Egypt are a wonder unto themselves. They stand tall, proud, and sturdy with age to provide you with strange and odd things to marvel at. From their layout to their subtle beauty they'll take your breath away. The Egyptian pyramids were tombs for pharaohs in ancient times, but now they're one of the Seven Wonders of the World that people flock to see. We don't know how they were built or even how old they are!

The Colosseum

Built during Roman times, the Colosseum was a man-made arena for combat. The best way to experience this relic is to look down from the second tier and view one of its most famous features – the hypogeum (located underground), a complex network of tunnels that stored animals and slaves prior to entering the arena. Beyond its historical significance, this wonder is just plain weird and very impressive in size – it can hold 50,000 people and has no roof, walls or seats! To get a sense of how these ancient combat arenas worked you will want to visit them at one point or another in your life. Even though they are only ruins today they are still captivating.

The Mona Lisa

In 1503, da Vinci sketched his idea for a painting in charcoal. The original title of the painting was La Gioconda or La Joconde, which translates to The Happy Woman. Mona Lisa became her popular nickname when American tourists would call Leonardo da Vinci's painting by that name and a rumor spread across Europe. One person said she was called Mona Lisa because she had been Leonardo da Vinci's mother and was believed to be ugly. Another stated that she was Leonardo da Vinci's lover and he did not want anyone else to enjoy his beauty so he hid her identity in one corner where nobody could see it.

The Great Wall of China

I'm sure I am not alone when I say that one day, I will travel to China. Not because of the company or anything like that, but it's just a fascinating country. While there are many wonderful things to see, The Great Wall is one of those things you HAVE to visit. It's so huge! One wrong turn and you would be lost for hours. Strangely enough, walking on The Great Wall felt peaceful. It was refreshing to get away from some of my worries for a little while (unless you count mosquitos). You are so high up and yet surrounded by amazing views...though that may have been from vertigo-induced nausea haha. Odd things? Well, being sprayed with water by your tour guide seems like an odd thing.


Machu Picchu

Perched on a craggy mountaintop in Peru, Machu Picchu is one of the most enchanting places you'll ever see. It's situated on an ancient royal estate and was used as a military outpost until it was abandoned in 1493, never to be inhabited again. The Inca were experts at adapting themselves to their environment by cleverly farming and cutting down trees for building materials - their lives were intricately entwined with that natural world. Every time I've visited, I've been struck by just how strange this place feels in relation to modern life: at times it seems like we are viewing someone else's memories - memories captured here 700 years ago in watercolors and stone.

Niagara Falls

If you're an avid traveler, it's likely that you've already seen more than one breathtaking natural wonder. Niagara Falls is only one among seven man-made wonders in the world and there are plenty of natural ones that will take your breath away! With so many awesome places to visit in our own world, don't get your hopes up for going anywhere out there anytime soon. You might want to start at one of these.

The Taj Mahal

If you're a regular traveler and have ever spent time in Asia, you might've noticed something about the buildings there. In particular, those of Hindu and Buddhist religious significance are often in ruins by design. This is because Hindus believe that temples exist for just 100 years. At the end of their time on earth, they must be destroyed so that a new temple can take its place. As to how one century becomes 100? Well, there's a system in place to calculate just that using phases of the moon. According to Hindu legend, a temple will last for 1,000 years if it has 360 rooms and 12 pillars—one pillar for each zodiac sign.

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